Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How do I know when to change my catalytic converter on my 99 Ford Escort?

My car makes a loud noise when I get on the freeway? Could that be my converter?How do I know when to change my catalytic converter on my 99 Ford Escort?If it is running as normal, I would say no. A quick way to check it is to crawl underneath the car when it is cold and bump the catcon with your hand. If you hear a rattle then it has come apart inside and needs to be replaced.How do I know when to change my catalytic converter on my 99 Ford Escort?it might be a hole in your exhaust pipe or muffler. the catalytic converter will rattle if its bad and the check engine light or emissions light would be on.How do I know when to change my catalytic converter on my 99 Ford Escort?The CAT on your '99 Escort could be making the loud noise you are hearing. You should put your car on a hoist and tap on the muffler and CAT with a rubber mallet. Any metallic noises would suggest that something like a baffle is broken in either the CAT or the MUFFLER, or both.How do I know when to change my catalytic converter on my 99 Ford Escort?Yes; go to the dealer and get it fixed; otherwise, go to Kragen Auto Parts.
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